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Alhamd’s spinning unit comprises of machinery from leading global machines manufacturers, including Reiter, Crosrol, Savio and Uster.


We have the ability to produce combed and carded yarn, as well as specialized products such as slub and waxed yarn.


With over 170,000 spindles, our total production capacity is in excess of 250 tons/day.  


Alhamd invested in a cutting edge ginning facility in 2014 to provide the highest quality fibers to its discerning customers.


We work directly with farmers to procure and produce the best cotton in the country in order to ensure the highest quality standards for our customers.


Since the cost of government-delivered energy in Pakistan is higher than other countries in the region, Alhamd has set up its internal energy production in order to ensure competitive prices for its global customers.


The plant's energy requirement of 17 MWs is fulfilled by a combination of Caterpillar gas engines and solar energy, ensuring consistent and low-cost supply of energy for the mill's operations.


Alhamd believes in green energy and protecting the environment. We were the first textiles company in Pakistan to set up a solar power plant, and are continuing to make significant investments in renewable energy.

© 2024 Alhamd Corporation 

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